F-1 Optional Practical Training after program (Post-Completion OPT) (2024)

Students must not pursue any off-campus employment without proper authorization.

USCIS Announces Application Fee Increases Effective April 1, 2024
On January 31, 2024, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published a Final Rule to adjust fees for certain immigration and naturalization benefit applications, effective April 1, 2024. This includes applications for F-1 Pre-Completion OPT, Post-Completion OPT, and STEM OPT Extension.
Please read the full announcement available on the ISO website.

USCIS Premium Processing Fees Increase Effective February 26, 2024
On December 28, 2023, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (USDHS) announced a final rule that will increase the filing fee to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for Premium Processing for certain applications, using Form I-907 Request for Premium Processing, due to inflation. The final rule will become effective on applications postmarked, or received via online filing, on or after February 26, 2024.

The Final Rule can be viewed on the Federal Register website here.

For filing with an initial application, or for a pending application, Form I-765 Application for Employment Authorization for F-1 Optional Practical Training or STEM Optional Practical Training Extension, the Premium Processing Fee increases from US$1,500 to US$1,685.

USCIS had made Premium Processing available to applications for F-1 Optional Practical Training or F-1 STEM Optional Practical Training Extension in March and April 2023. This new update, effective February 26, 2024, was simply an increase of the Premium Processing Fees.

If after review of the ISO online resources, and USCIS guidance, you have any questions, please contact your ISO Advisor.

Federal regulations significantly limit the opportunities for international students to pursue employment in the United States. Any off-campus work, internship, or work/employment related activity (paid or unpaid), will require authorizationbeforea student can begin the work/employment activity.

Pursuing off-campus work/employment-related activity (paid or unpaid), without the proper authorization, is considered aviolationof student’s U.S. immigration status and can have serious consequences that could jeopardize a student’s ability to complete their MIT academic program and/or obtain any future U.S. immigration benefits (e.g., STEM OPT, H-1B, O-1 authorizations).

ATTENTION:OPT is abenefitof a student’s current F-1 status.OPT isNOTa U.S. immigration status. OPT is abenefitof a student’s current F-1 status.OPT isNOTa U.S. immigration status. OPT is authorized by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and extends a student’s current F-1 U.S. immigration status and allows them to work/be employed in the U.S. in their degree/major field of study.This benefit may be granted to eligible F-1 students in order for them to gain practical training in their degree/major field of study.

  • An employment offer isNOTrequired to apply for OPT.
  • Any work/employment related activity (paid or unpaid) on OPTmust bedirectly related to the student’s degree/major field of study.

In order to apply for the OPT benefit, all eligible F-1 students must first complete and/or review the required ISO and USCIS materials before submitting a request in iMIT.

F-1 students interested in Post-Completion Optional Practical Training will need to complete thePost-Completion OPT CanvaseCoursein order to apply for Post-Completion OPT authorization. All students must first complete the ISO Post-Completion OPT CanvaseCourseand pass the ISO Post-Completion OPT Canvas eCourse Quiz with a grade of 90% or better, before submitting a request to iMIT.

Eligible students will beinvitedto thePost-Completion Optional Practical Training eCourse by email. The email invitation will be sent to the student’s @mit.edu email address from Canvas.

  • ONLY F-1 students who have been in F-1 status for one (1) academic year (fall and spring terms consecutively) and the end date listed on their Form I-20 will occur within the next academic year will receive an invitation to thePost-Completion Optional Practical Training eCourse.
  • If a student does not receive an email invitation to thePost-Completion Optional Practical Training eCoursefrom Canvas, and they believe that they are eligible, then the student should first check their Junk/SPAM folders. If the email invitation is still not there, then the student should emailiso-help@mit.eduand include their [MIT ID Number, Academic Department and Program, and future program completion date].

All F-1 students who wish to apply for Post-Completion OPTmustcomplete thePost-Completion Optional Practical Training eCourse and Quiz within one (1) year of their OPT request to the ISO (through iMIT) and application to USCIS.This must occurbeforea student can request the required Form I-20 needed to apply for OPT authorization with USCIS.

F-1 students interested inPre-Completion OPTor theSTEM OPT Extensionmust watch the recorded version of our F-1 Employment Information Session online to be eligible to request a Pre-Completion OPT or STEM OPT Extension Form I-20. Students can find a copy of the PDF slides and video/audio recordingshere.NOTE: Kerberos login/Duo authentication is required for students to access these online materials.

F-1 students interested inCurricular Practical Trainingwill need to complete theCPT Canvas eCoursein order to apply for CPT authorization. Students can find details and links to the eCourse, on the ISO’sF-1 Curricular Practical Trainingwebpage.

The ISO announces these sessions through the ISOnewsletterand on a student’s iMIT Home Page.

OPTIONAL ‘F-1 Live on Zoom Employment Q&A Sessions’
In addition to the above resources, F-1 students may also attend one of the following‘F-1Live on Zoom Employment Q&A Sessions’.NOTE:These ‘F-1 Live on Employment Q&A Sessions’are notrequired andare notfull presentations. Attending an F-1 Live on Employment Q&A session doesNOTmeet the requirements for a student to submit an off-campus employment request in iMIT.The‘F-1Live on Zoom Employment Q&A Sessions’are rather an opportunity for students to ask clarifying questionsafterthey have reviewed the required materials online (e.g.,,Post-OPT eCourse).

Once the ‘F-1Live on ZoomEmploymentQ&A Sessions‘ dates have been posted, students may sign-up for a sessionin advance. Students can register for a session by logging in to their iMIT account byclicking on “Details” and then on “I’m Going” to register for the event. All ISO sessions can always be foundunder the“Events” section of their iMIT Home Page.

REMINDER: Students canONLYregister to attend an ‘F-1 Live on Zoom Employment Q&A session’afterthey have reviewed the required materials (e.g.,Post-Completion OPT eCourse).The review of the required materialsMUSTbe completedin advance of attending an Employment Q&A Session.

F-1 students are eligible to apply fora total of 12 months of OPT authorization (per degree level), to use during and/or after completion of a degree program. All F-1 students must meet the below requirements to be eligible to apply for Post-Completion OPT:

  • Student has been in lawful full-time F-1 status for at least one full academic year,consecutively(e.g., combination of fall and spring terms), by the time the employment occurs.
  • Student is pursuing and/or will complete an MIT degree program in full-time student registration status.
    • Students inNon-ResidentMIT Student Statusare notallowed to apply for OPT, as enrollment in courses is not allowed during a Non-Resident term at MIT. However, these students are usually eligible to apply forPre-Completion OPT.
  • Studenthas notbeen issued Post-Completion OPT/STEM OPT previously, for the same degree level.
    • Students mayONLYbe authorized for up to 12 months of full-time OPT (per degree level). This 12-month OPT limit applies to each educational/degree level (i.e., Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degree programs). This means that an F-1 student willONLYbecome eligible foran additional12 months of OPTafterthey change to a progressively higher education/degree level (i.e., from Bachelor to Master; from Master to PhD).
  • OnlyF-1 students pursuing an MIT degree are allowed to apply for OPT. All other F-1 non-degree students at MIT (i.e., Special Students)are noteligible to apply for OPT.
  • An employment/job offer isNOT Requiredto apply for Post-Completion OPT.
  • Students can only apply for full-time Post-Completion OPT (e.g., student will be working at least 21 hours a weekor MORE).
  • Any period of OPT usedbeforethe completion of a student’s degree program (e.g.,Pre-Completion OPT)must besubtracted from the students total 12 months of Post-Completion OPT authorization.
    • Full-Time Pre-Completion OPTis deducted at the full rate from a student’s OPT 12-month total limit (e.g., If a student is approved for 4 months of full-time Pre-Completion OPT, then they will have 4 months deducted from the total 12 months of their Post-Completion OPT time).
    • Part-Time Pre-Completion OPTis deducted at half-the-rate from a student’s 12-month total limit (e.g., If a student is approved for 4 months of part-time Pre-Completion OPT, then they will have 2 months deducted from the total 12 months of their Post-Completion OPT time).

ATTENTION: Failure to comply with the below application timelines and requirements (e.g., either filing too early or too late), can result in the loss of a student’s entire OPT benefit.

Application Requirements & Deadlines

All Post-Completion OPT ApplicationsMUST:

  • Be requested forFull-Time(21+ hours per week), because the authorization will be for trainingaftercompletion of all degree requirements.
  • Be completed and include all required documents and materials (see below)beforemailing/submitting an OPT application to USCIS.
  • Be received by the USCIS Processing Centerno earlierthan 90 daysbeforecompletion of degree requirements (i.e., program end date listed on Form I-20).
  • Be received by the USCIS Processing Centerno laterthan 60 daysaftercompletion of degree requirements (i.e., program end date listed on Form I-20).
  • Be received by the USCIS Processing Centerwithin30 daysof the date the ISO issues the new Form I-20with recommendation for Post-Completion OPT listed on page 2 of the Form I-20.

USCIS processing times can vary, and can take as long as3-4 months for approval. Students should apply in a timely manner to ensure and safeguard that they receive their Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card on time. The EAD card is an official work permit issued by USCIS that allows F-1 students to be hired and work in the U.S. during the dates listed on the approved OPT EAD card. Currently, it is not possible to request that an OPT application be expedited by USCIS, so students should plan their OPT start date accordingly and allow for at least 100 days to receive the EAD card from time of filing the application.

IMPORTANT:StudentsARE NOTpermitted to begin anywork/employment related activity (paid or unpaid)until they receive an approved EAD card and they are within the dates listed on the card.

Who Can Apply?

Eligible F-1 students (i.e., students who have been in F-1 status for one (1) academic year (fall and spring terms consecutively) and the end date listed on their mostly recently issued Form I-20 will occur within the next academic year) wishing to obtain U.S. off-campus work authorizationafterthe completion of their degree programare required to review and complete thePost-Completion Optional Practical Training eCourse and Quiz and pass theISO Post-Completion OPT Canvas eCourse Quizwith a grade of 90% or better*.

How To Apply

Submit a request for a Form I-20 (with OPT recommended) online, via iMIT. The student must login toiMITthrough “Full Client Services”; and they will select the “F-1 Practical Training” tab on the left side-bar on the iMIT Home Page, and then select “Optional Practical Training”, click on “Start a New Request”, and then complete and submit all five (5) e-Forms listed in the “Optional Practical Training” request.

After a student has submitted the “Optional Practical Training” e-Form request in iMIT, it will take the ISO up to 10 business days on average to prepare the student’s new Form I-20 with OPT recommendation. Then, after this new OPT Form I-20 is issued, the student will need to submit their OPT application to the USCIS.DO NOTsubmit an OPT application to USCIS without the new Form I-20 with OPT recommendation.

When requesting a Form I-20 for Post-Completion OPT, students must follow the instructions in iMIT and prepare/provide the following:

1.$150.00 MIT Administrative Fee: This is required for all Post-Completion OPT requests that are longer than 100 days (i.e.,15 weeks). The fee can be paid online bydebit or credit card).

2.Departmental Letter:This is a letter that has been signed by the student’s academic department administrator/program coordinator in consultation with appropriate faculty/advisor.The letter must be on departmental letterhead and the letter should certify that:
(a) The student is in good academic standing.
(b) The student is enrolled in a specific degree level and major field of study at MIT.
(c) The practical experience the student is seeking is directly related to their degree/major field of study.
(d) The date on which the student will complete their MIT degree program requirements.
* For Graduate students, this may be the date on which the student is expected to complete all degree requirements, or the date on which the student’s final requirement of a dissertation/thesis has been submitted and signed-off on by their department and the Registrar as completed. This date may also be the official graduation date.
For Undergraduate students, the earliest program completion date may be the date that all final grades have been received and the academic program/Registrar certify that all requirements for the degree have been completed. This date may also be the official graduation date.

3.NOTE: StudentsMUSTmake a final decision about their OPT start datebeforesubmitting the request in iMIT for the new OPT Form I-20.
* Remember, a Post-Completion OPT start date can only be within the 60 days after the program end date/completion date. For example, if a student’s program end date/completion date is June 2, 2023, then their OPT start date can be any date between June 3, 2023 to July 31, 2023.

Finally, after a student has submitted a completed OPT e-Form request in iMIT, an ISO Advisor will issue them a new Form I-20with OPT recommended. The new Form I-20 will contain a new travel signature (valid for 6 months into the future) and the OPT recommendation on page 2 of the document.When the new OPT Form I-20 has been created, the student will receive an email to their @MIT.edu email address and the new OPT Form I-20 will be attached to the email (pick-up/mailing options are not available).

Students may apply for Post-Completion OPT by application to USCIS online (through the USCIS Online Account) OR by paper mail. Details on both procedures are provided below.

Students MUST be physically present inside the U.S. at the time the OPT application is received/receipted by USCIS; therefore, students can only mail/submit the application to USCIS while you are physically present in the U.S.

Submitting the OPT Application to USCIS Online

USCIS announced on April 12, 2021 that applications for F-1 Optional Practical Training and F-1 STEM Optional Practical Training Extension may be filed online with USCIS. Applicants will create a USCIS Online Account to access the ability to file the application online.

Students who choose to file online should read all online application screenscompletely and thoroughly. In addition, USCIS has advised that filing online or filing a paper application by mail should take approximately the same processing time.

REMINDER: Students who decide to submit their OPT application online should:
• Gather and collectALLthe required documents and materials as if they are filing their OPT application by mail to USCIS.
• This should be done in advance of submitting the application to USCIS online.
• StudentsMUSTobtain their new Form I-20 with OPT recommendation from the ISOBEFOREgoing online to file their OPT application with USCIS.
• The online Form I-765 will require students to uploadALLrequired and supporting documents in the below ‘Checklist of Documents To Mail To USCIS’; students must also pay the application fee online as well.

As USCIShasnotpublished or provided any detailed guidance or a step-by-step set of instructions, the ISO has provided the below resources for F-1 students to review. The ISO will continue to post updates and resources as soon as they are published by USCIS:

ISO’sUSCIS Online Form I-765 Filing Resource Guide:Overview of online filing basics.
Overview of myUSCIS for Applicants:Overview of USCIS online filing system (May 5, 2021).
Updated Questions & Answers: CIS Ombudsman’s Webinar Series, USCIS Introduces Online Filing for Form I-765 (May 5, 2021).
Engagement Readout: USCIS Introduces Online Filing for Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, for F-1 Students Seeking Optional Practical Training (May 5, 2021).
• USCIS WebinarSlides(PDF): USCIS Online Filing for Form I-765 for F-1 OPT/STEM OPT Extension (April 2021).
USCIS’ Online Filing and Customer Service Tools: Engagement Readout, PowerPoint presentation copy, and Q&A (March 31, 2021).
USCIS’s Original Announcement: Regarding the Online Filing of Form I-765 for F-1 OPT and F-1 STEM OPT.
USCIS General Online Filing Information:Overview of online filing.

Mailing the OPT Application to USCIS

ATTENTION:Students must bephysically presentinsidethe U.S. at the time their OPT application is received/receipted by USCIS.Therefore, students can only mail/submit their OPT application to USCIS if they are physically present inside the U.S. (i.e., their feet are on U.S. soil).


All Post-Completion OPT ApplicationsMUST:

  • Be requested forFull-Time(21+hours per week), because the authorization will be for trainingaftercompletion of all degree requirements.
  • Be completed and include all required documents and materials (see below)beforemailing/submitting an OPT application to USCIS.
  • Be received by the USCIS Processing Centerno earlierthan 90 daysbeforecompletion of degree requirements (i.e., program end date listed on Form I-20).
  • Be received by the USCIS Processing Centerno laterthan 60 daysaftercompletion of degree.
  • Be received by the USCIS Processing Centerwithin30 daysof the date the ISO issues the new Form I-20with recommendation for Post-Completion OPT.

Checklist Of Documents To Submit/Mail To USCIS:

Students should put together their OPT application in the following order listed below. The OPT documents should be paper clipped (not stapled!) together. Students should make sure to keep a photocopy and/or scanned copy ofALLthe documents mailed to USCIS for their immigration records.

  1. Bank-Certified Check or Money Order for OPT Form I-765 application fee (checkUSCIS Form I-765 webpageto confirm fee amount).
    • The Bank-Certified Check or Money Order should bemade payable to the “U.S. Department of Homeland Security”.
      • Students should also write “Form I-765” and their SEVIS ID number In the memo line of the check/money order.
      • Students can submit aG-1450Formwith their U.S. debit or credit card information.
        • Attention: Given recent reports from students, it may be advisable for students to notify the bank/credit card company of this upcoming charge so they do not flag this fee as potential fraud and deny the charge.
  2. (Optional)G-1145 Form, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance:This form allows a student to receive a text message and/or email when USCIS has received/receipted their OPT application.
  3. Two (2)Passport Photos:PhotosMUSTbe issued within the past 30 days. Students should write their name and SEVIS number in pencil or felt pen(lightly)on the back and towards the bottom of each photo — so as to not damage the photos or have writing appear on the face of the photo.
    • Students should carefully paper clip the Bank-Certified Check or Money Order and passport photos on top of the Form I-765.
  4. OriginalForm I-765(printed) with a handwritten signature:Students mustuse the most recent edition of the Form I-765 and read all theI-765 Instructions. In addition, while it is possible for a student to complete the Form I-765by hand (black ink ONLY), it isNOTrecommended. Students shouldtypetheir answers into the Form I-765, then print, sign and date the Form I-765by handand in black ink.
    • Students must confirm that theMOST CURRENTForm I-765 editionhas been usedbefore printing the Form I-765 andsigning and dating the document in black ink (BY HAND).
    • ATTENTION:The ‘U.S. Mailing Address’ entered on the Form I-765 (page 2, part 2, questions 5a to 5e) should be a U.S. mailing address that the student will have access to/be valid for at least 5 months into the future after a student’s OPT Form I-20 end date. If a student will change their U.S. address within 5 months of filing their OPT application, then they are advised to list the address of a trusted friend or family member on the U.S. mailing address section of the Form I-765.
  5. Copy of any previous Employment Authorization Documents (EAD cards):Students must include copies of any previous F-1 EAD card (front and back), if applicable.
  6. Copy of new Form I-20 with OPT recommendation: Students only need to include pages 1 and 2 of their Form I-20(s).DO NOTforget to sign and date (BY HAND) the new OPT Form I-20 on page one (1).
  7. Copies ofALLpreviously issued Forms I-20(s):Students should place these documents in order from newest issuance date to oldest issuance date. Students only need to include pages 1 and 2 (older copies of Form I-20s will be pages 1 and 3) of their Form I-20(s), this includes forms issued by MIT and any previous institutions.DO NOTforget to sign and date (BY HAND) all Form I-20(s) on page one (1).
  8. Copy of electronic I-94 record or an I-94 card (front and back):Students can retrieve their most recent I-94 record online (https://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/).DO NOTsend a copy of the ‘I-94 Travel History’ page –ONLYthe most recent I-94 Record.
  9. Copy of identity/photo page(s) in passport, as listed under “Citizenship” on a Form I-20:The copy(s) include the pages with the student’s name, photo, date of birth, passport number, issuance date and expiration date.A student’s passport must be valid!
  10. Copy of the most recently issued F-1 entry visa sticker:Students must include a copy ofthe most recently issued F-1 entry visa stickereven if it is expired. Students do not need a valid F-1 entry visa sticker in their passport to be eligible to apply for Post-Completion OPT.
    • NOTE:This does not apply to Canadians, Bahamians, and Bermudians. As they are not required to apply for an F-1 entry visa sticker.

Students should mail a completed OPT application, with all the materials listed above, via express mail:

  • With a Private Courier Service (FedEx or UPS),which is recommended, or
  • Via the U.S. Postal Service (USPS).

    The applicationMUSTbe mailed to the correct USCIS mailing address indicated for “Foreign Students”, F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT) applications in theDirect Filing Addresses for Form I-765 Instructions.

Helpful Tips:

  • Students should keep copies ofALLdocuments submitted to USCIS for their records. Also, keep the mailing receipt from the OPT package as evidence that the student submitted the application in a timely manner.
  • ATTENTION:The U.S. Postal Servicecannotforward USCIS government mail using theUSPS Mail Forwarding serviceand/or theAR-11 online form. If a student needs to update the mailing address on their OPT applicationafterthey submit the application to USCIS, then they should contact theirISO Advisorfor more information.
  • When filing a paper application by mail to USCIS, it is advised by USCIS,NOTto do the following:
    • Hole punch, staple, paper clip, binder clip, or otherwise attach documents to one another.
    • Include photos or scanned documents smaller than 4×6 inches for evidentiary purposes. Provide photocopies of these items instead. The only exception is when we request a passport photo with the filing.
    • Include anything that contains electronic chips and batteries (such as musical greeting cards) or any non-paper materials such as cassette tapes, CD-ROMs, DVDs, toys, action figures, or thumb drives. We will not accept these types of materials. However, we will accept photographs or photocopies of these items.
    • Submit forms or evidence documents bound with a binding or spiral wire/plastic.
    • Submit evidence using photo albums, scrapbooks, binders, or greeting cards.
    • Fold documents, place sticky notes on documents, use insertable tab dividers, print forms on colored paper.
    • Submit more than one copy of the same document or evidence unless required by the form instructions or regulations. If a student is required to submit a copy of a complete prior application, petition, or request, clearly mark it as a “COPY” at the top of each page to ensure it is processed as intended.
    • Send original documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, driver’s licenses, passports, naturalization certificates,exceptwhen:
      • Required by the form instructions for the application, petition, or request the individual is filing; or specifically issues a request for the individual to submit an original document.

Delays in receiving receipt notifications for applications filed with USCIS? Consult the ISO Knowledge Base Guidance on‘Receipt Notification Delays’.

REMINDER! Studentscannotbegin any work/employment related activity (paid or unpaid) until they receive the approval of their OPT application, have the Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card in hand, and the “valid from” start date listed on the EAD card is effective. Pursuing off-campus employment activity without proper authorization can have serious consequences that could jeopardize a student’s ability to complete their MIT academic program, require departure from the U.S., and/or cause future difficulties in obtaining any other U.S. immigration benefits and visas (e.g., STEM OPT, H-1B, O-1 authorizations).

F-1 students are responsible for maintaining their U.S. nonimmigrant status, especially during an approved period of OPT. Federal regulationsrequireall F-1 students to report information directly to the ISO (through iMIT) regarding their employment, as well as changes to personal information and immigration status. Failure to comply with these reporting requirements may result in denial of future benefits by DHS (i.e., extension of employment under the STEM OPT Extension, OPT Cap-Gap, and H-1B authorizations) and termination of the students F-1 status and OPT authorization.

  • Students can always find information about their OPT reporting requirements on the ISO’s ‘F-1 Post-Completion OPT Reporting Requirements’webpage.
  • Additional information can also be found in the ISO Knowledge Basewebpage.

Students may accumulate up to amaximumof 90 calendar days (including weekends) of unemployment time during their 12-month period of authorized OPT. A student’s OPT unemployment timeONLYbegins to accumulate from the start date listed on the approved OPT EAD card.

Sample Unemployment Situations:

  • If the student does not begin their OPT work/employment on the approved OPT EAD card date.
    • For example: If a student’s OPT EAD card was approved with a start date of June 15, 2023, but they did not begin their employment until June 30, 2023, then the student accumulated 15 days of their OPT unemployment time.
  • If the student receives the OPT EAD card after the OPT-approved start date.
    • For example: If a student’s OPT EAD card was approved with a start date of June 15, 2023, but they did not receive their EAD card until June 20, 2023, then the student accumulated 5 days of OPT unemployment time.
  • If the student is between periods of employment/employers.
    • For example: If a student ends employment with Employer A on December 15, 2023, but they do not start with Employer B until January 15, 2024, then the student accumulated 30 days of OPT unemployment time.

NOTE:It is a student’s responsibility to keep track of their OPT unemployment time/days. Accumulating more than 90 days of unemployment is considered aviolationof F-1 status by DHS, and can have serious implications to one’s U.S. immigration status and benefits.

To maintain F-1 student status in the U.S., while on OPT, students must have “Qualified Employment”.

What are the criteria for “Qualifying Employment” on Post-Completion OPT?

  • Work/EmploymentMUSTbedirectly related to the student’s degree/major and provides practical experience in their field of study.
  • MUSTbe working 21 hours per weekor more.
  • The student hasreportedany work/employment updates to iMIT within 10 calendar days.

Examples of “Qualifying Employment”:

  • Paid employment.
  • Employment with multiple employers.
  • Short-term employment and/or contract work.
    • Evidence of duration of the contract, name of the company and address needed.
  • Self-employment (e.g., student’s own start-up/business owner).
    • Proper business documentation and licensing are needed. Also, evidence of active engagement in business is needed.
  • Employment through a staffing agency or consulting firm.
  • Volunteer or unpaid employment/internship/training.
    • A student may work as a volunteer or unpaid intern on Post-Completion OPT if the above listed criteria of “Qualifying Employment” are met and if the volunteer or unpaid work/employment/internship/training does not violate any labor laws.

ATTENTION: A student should always be able to provide evidence of their work/employment activities (job offer letter, pay stubs, W2 forms, etc.) acquired from the student’s employer to verify dates and hours of employment, as well as a brief job description.


Off-campus employment (CPT/OPT/STEM OPT) MUST always be directly related to a student’s MIT degree field of study. As mentioned earlier, F-1 immigration regulations require that all authorized off-campus employment be “directly related to the student’s major area of study” and an integral part of the student’s established curriculum [8 CFR 214.2(f)(10)(i)], in addition to other criteria.

The U.S Department of Homeland Security (USDHS) reviews employment issued to international students with great scrutiny, and therefore all activity must be directly related to the student’s major field of study for their degree earned at MIT.

USDHS, on September 27, 2019, issuedPolicy Guidancere-affirming this requirement and their additional focus on this issue, including a new requirement that ISO Advisors review employment under CPT/OPT/STEM OPT Extension to confirm it meets these requirements. The ISO had seen additional scrutiny even before this Policy Guidance — with student visa applications at U.S. Embassies/Consulates, as well as applications for employment authorizations and Change of Status (including H-1B and Green Card) with USCIS, be delayed with questions about direct relationship to degree.Students must take great care to be sure the position being pursued under F-1 CPT, OPT, or STEM OPT Extension requires their specific degree program and is an application of that degree (not just general concepts or one course taken during a degree program). The ISO addresses this requirement further in our Employment webpages, in our Employment Information Sessions, and in aspecific article on this topic in the ISO Knowledge Base.

NOTE:Students must remember, that as an international student at MIT, they are responsible for maintaining their own U.S immigration status. This means that a student must ensure that they are registered full-time each academic term, and that the validity of their immigration documents does not expire. Students must always report any changes in their academic level, funding, and/or completion of their degree program within 10 days to the ISO. If a student allows the program end date listed on their Form I-20 to expire, then they will fall out of their legal U.S. immigration status and may suffer serious consequences.

During the duration of the student’s studies and their CPT/OPT/STEM OPT authorization, the student is required to inform both the ISO, who will then inform USDHS, of any changes (e.g., address, employment, academic program, etc.) within 10 days of the change occurring.For an address update, the student will update the ISO by updating WebSIS under the “SEVIS U.S. Address” field. All updates should be reported to iMIT. Failure to any changes to the ISO could result in the loss of the student’s U.S legal immigration status.

There are important considerations students should be aware of regarding any travel outside the U.S., either before or after the ‘program completion end date’ listed on their Form I-20. While travel outside the U.S. is allowed after a student has submitted their OPT application to USCIS,it should be done withcaution.

TravelBEFOREProgram CompletionEndDate:If a student travels outside the U.S. and returnsBEFOREthe program completion end date listed on their OPT Form I-20, and their OPT application is pending with USCIS, then they will travel as a regular/continuing F-1 student, with the required documents listed below:

  1. Valid passport (valid for 6 months into the future).
  2. Valid F-1 entry visa sticker (NOT Expired), except for Canadians, Bahamians, and Bermudians.
    • Students shouldNEVERuse a tourist visa (B-1 / B-2) or Visa Waiver Program (VWP / ESTA) to enter the U.S. while on OPT, as that will cancel their F-1 status and OPT/STEM authorization.
  3. Most recently issued Form I-20 (for OPT) with a valid travel signature on page 2.
  4. Proof of currentenrollmentat MIT (Registrar’s Office).
  5. Proof ofvaccinationagainst COVID-19.
    • NOTE: A student’s I-94 Record will change after they re-enter the U.S. This is expected andDOES NOTimpact a submitted and/or pending OPT application.

TravelAFTERProgram Completion End Date –OPTApproved:If a student plans on re-entering the U.S.AFTERthe program completion end date listed on their OPT Form I-20, then ICE (U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement)statesunder the question,‘Can I reenter if I left while on OPT?’:“If USCIS has approved your OPT you will be expected to have your EAD in hand to re-enter the United States, in addition to your Form I-20, valid passport and visa, and a letter of employment if you have one. If you exceed the limits on unemployment while outside the United States, you will not be eligible to re-enter the United States in F-1 status.”

Therefore, a student will need the required documents listed below to re-enter the U.S. after the program completion end date listed on their most recently issued OPT Form I-20:

  1. Valid passport (valid for 6 months into the future).
  2. Valid F-1 visa sticker (NOT Expired), except for Canadians, Bahamians, and Bermudians.
    • Students shouldNEVERuse a tourist visa (B-1 / B-2) or Visa Waiver Program (VWP / ESTA) to enter the U.S. while on OPT, as that will cancel their F-1 status and OPT authorization.
  3. Most recently issued Form I-20.
    • If the student’s EAD Card has been approved, then their current employer information should bereportedto iMIT and listed on page 2 of their Form I-20.
    • Most recently issued Form I-20 signed for travel (page 2)within the past 6 months.
  4. Approved OPT EAD card.
  5. Employment/Job Offer letter for OPT (if applicable).
    • Letter should include the dates of employment/training, job duties, location of training activity, supervisor contact information, and any salary/stipend received.
  6. Proof ofvaccinationagainst COVID-19.

TravelAFTERProgram Completion End DateOPT Pending:The ISO recommends that students wait until they have received their EAD card before making plans to leave the U.S.AFTERthe program completion end date listed on their OPT Form I-20. ICEstatesunder the question,‘Can I reenter if my request for OPT is still pending?’:“Yes, but traveling during this time should be undertaken with caution. USCIS may send you a request for evidence while you are away, however, so you would want to make sure you have provided a correct U.S. address both to your DSO and on the application and would be able to send in the requested documents. Also, if USCIS approves your OPT application, you will be expected to have your EAD in hand to re-enter the United States. Like a request for further information, USCIS can only send the EAD to your U.S. address.”

Therefore, if a student plans on re-entering the U.S.AFTERthe program completion end date listed on their OPT Form I-20,and their OPT application is pending with USCIS, then there are additional risks for a student to consider.These risks include but are not limited to:

  • If a student’s OPT application isdenied or rejectedwhile they are outside the U.S. (i.e., after the program completion end date listed on their OPT Form I-20).
    • Then a student’s F-1 status automatically ends and they cannot reapply for OPT or re-enter the U.S. in F-1 status.
  • If a student receives anRFE (request for evidence)from USCIS.
    • If a student receives an RFE, it must be responded to from inside the U.S.. Therefore, if a student is outside the U.S., they may be unable to respond to the RFE, which can lead to OPT being denied.
  • If a student’s EAD Card isapproved while they are outside the U.S.
    • As ICE mentions,“you will be expected to have your EAD in hand to re-enter the United States”.Therefore, the student would need to coordinate how to receive the EAD card from their U.S. address to where they are abroad.
  • If a student’s EAD Card isapproved, but then lost in the mailwhile they are outside the U.S.
    • Then the student may face a severe problem, because a student cannot apply for a replacement EAD card from outside the U.S.

If a student is missing any of the below documents, they risk being denied entry into the U.S. and/or losing their F-1 status and OPT benefit. The ISO can never guarantee re-entry into the U.S. or predict what may happen at the U.S. border point-of-entry.As such, any time a student is entering the U.S. throughout their authorized period of Post-Completion OPT, they must have the required documents listed below to re-enter the U.S.:

  • Valid passport (valid for 6 months into the future).
  • Valid F-1 visa sticker (NOT Expired), except for Canadians, Bahamians, and Bermudians.
    • Students shouldNEVERuse a tourist visa (B-1 / B-2) or Visa Waiver Program (VWP / ESTA) to enter the U.S. while on OPT, as that will cancel their F-1 status and OPT/STEM authorization.
  • Most recently issued Form I-20.
    • If the student’s EAD Card has been approved, then their new OPT employer information should bereportedto iMIT and listed on page 2 of their Form I-20.
    • Most recently issued Form I-20 signed for travel (page 2)within the past 6 months.
  • Approved OPT EAD card.
  • Employment/Job Offer letter for OPT (if applicable).
    • The letter should include the dates of employment/training, job duties, location of training activity, supervisor contact information, and any salary/stipend received.
  • Proof ofvaccinationagainst COVID-19.

Students can find additional information regarding travel during a student’s F-1 OPT/STEM OPT period on the ISO’s websiteand I.C.E’swebsite.

We provide detailed instructions on our Social Security Numberwebpageso that students will be successful with their Social Security Number (SSN) applications.

  • However, if a student already has an SSN, then theyDONOTneed to apply again. An SSN is valid for an individual’s lifetime.
  • Students who do not have an SSN, can apply for the SSN through the OPT application (Form I-765) or 30 days before the start date listed on the approved EAD card.
    • NOTE:If a student decides to apply for their SSN by using the Form I-765, then the SSN card willONLYarrive after the EAD card has been approved and mailed to the student.
      • A student is not required to use the Form I-765 to apply for an SSN. Instead, they can choose to go in person to a Social Security Administration (SSA) office anywhere in the U.S., as long as they have the approved OPT EAD card.

Maintaining F-1 Status During OPT

  • During OPT, students must have a valid Form I-20 (listing their current OPT employer on page 2), a valid passport (for 6 months into the future), a valid I-94 record (students must check their I-94 recorduponeveryentry into the U.S., and make sure the I-94 record has “F-1” for class of admission and “D/S” for admit until date), and a valid OPT EAD card.
    • NOTE:If a student’s OPT EAD card has been approved, then they must double-check all the information on the EAD card and also upload a copy of the EAD card to iMIT once they have received it.
  • If a student leaves the U.S. and their F-1 entry visa sticker is expired, then the student must apply for a new F-1 entry visa sticker at theU.S. Embassy/Consulateabroad in order to return to the U.S. in F-1 status (with OPT).
  • Students who areNOTtraveling outside the U.S. doNOTneed a valid F-1 visa sticker in their passport to remain in the U.S.
  • Students shouldNEVERuse or enter the U.S. as a Tourist (B-1 / B-2) or on the Visa Waiver Program (VWP / ESTA). If a student enters the U.S. as a tourist, while on OPT, it will automatically cancel their F-1 status and OPT authorization.

DHS Scrutiny

Off-Campus Employment (including Optional Practical Training)must bedirectly related to your MIT degree field of study.

F-1 immigration regulations require that all authorized off-campus work/employment-related activity (paid or unpaid) must be “directly related to the student’s major area of study” and an “integral part of the student’s established curriculum” [8 CFR 214.2(f)(10)(i)], in addition to other criteria. Furthermore, the U.S Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reviews employment by international students withgreat scrutiny. DHS has even issued specificpolicy guidance(September 27, 2019) re-affirming this requirement and their additional focus on this issue; this includes a new requirement that ISO Advisors (DSOs) review work/employment under CPT, OPT, and the STEM OPT Extension to confirm that the work/employment meets these requirements.

Additionally, the ISO had seen additional scrutiny around work/employment under CPT, OPT, and the STEM OPT Extension even before DHS issued the September 27, 2019policy guidance. This additional scrutiny affected student entry visa sticker applications at U.S. Embassies/Consulates abroad, applications for other employment authorizations and benefits, and Change of Status (COS) applications (i.e., H-1B and Green Card) with USCIS. One of the key aspects that affected students’ applications was questions about how their work/employment was directly related to their degree/major field of study.Therefore, studentsmust take great careto be sure that any position(s) they pursue/pursued under CPT, OPT, or the STEM OPT Extension requires their specific degree and is an application of that degree. For instance, any position(s) pursued under CPT, OPT, and STEM OPT should not be based on ‘general concepts’ or just one course taken during a degree program.

The ISO addresses this requirement further in our CPT and OPT Canvas eCourses, employmentwebpages,employment PDF slides and video/audio recordings. We have also created aspecific articleon this topic in theISO Knowledge Base.

If a student has any questions about an internship/training/employment being directly related to their degree/major field of study, they should first contact their academic department advisor and/or their MIT career advisor. For additional questions, students should contact theirISO Advisordirectly.

F-1 Optional Practical Training after program (Post-Completion OPT) (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.